Thursday, 13 January 2011

Website Recommendation

Since the weather has been, well British. Going out hasn't exactly been easy so with no stories to share I have decided to share with you a website.

Barry is the proud owner of my Celestron ED spotting scope, he bought it after breaking his old one and not long after he started up his own site with his own photos. Barry seems to get birds I can't even find let alone photograph and he has a very fast growing collection of the best of British birds. As well as digiscoped photos Barry has a collection of bird ringing photos, these contain some of Britain's most unseen birds in close view.

The website offers alot as well as his photos he handles two blogs, the one is for digiscoping while the other is for bird ringing, he also has a field trip sightings page and in 2010 he spotted a female furuginous duck and had been accepted by the Suffolk ornithological records committee as an outstanding county rarity for 2010 how great is that?

Visit his site to support the art of digiscoping. I hope to bring you more photos soon!

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