Saturday, 22 January 2011

Robins Galore

Friday marked the first time I had been out birding since the new years and where else to start that off? Forest Farm of course. This day also marked the first time I could properly test out my new eyepiece which is a Baader Hyperion 17MM. The biggest advantage with this eyepiece over the supplied one is that with the current camera I am using zero vignetting occurs which allows me total control on how much camera zoom I would like.

As if you couldn't tell by the title, Forest Farm was packed with robins this time around. The ground was frozen by the cold so this could have brought them out of the forest looking for handouts from people and with these robins being so tame they didn't fly off as soon as they saw me and I could only hoped I brought some food with me to at least try to get one of these robins to land on my hand but maybe next time eh?. This also pointed out a disadvantage of digiscoping. These Robins being so tame seemed to get rather close and with digiscoping the scope can only focus so close, this lead to a little game me and the Robins played. As a Robin landed somewhere where I thought would make a good shot I set up the equipment and started focusing but I was too close this lead me having t move back until I could focus on the Robin but the Robin wasn't exactly being cooperative and they always flew closer and landed on a nearby perch and even one time landed right under my feet.

Going back out really made realise how much I enjoy the natural world and although shows about it are nice they cannot compare to the real thing just outside your doorstep.

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