Sunday, 30 January 2011

Ducks to Go!!

Hello to you all,
Happy New Year to all the Bird Garden readers.

Its been a fair start to the year in Lowestoft. The Iceland Gull that I found on the 30th Nov 2010 is celebrating its 2 month stay anniversary today!! This is my most recent picture of it, chilling on a groyne.

Also, a trip to Leathes Ham yesterday 29/01/11 produced a menagery of ducks. The usual shoveler, tufted, mallard & widgeon were there. However, in amongst them were a pair of Teal, a pair of Pintail, and 6 magnificent Scaup! Check these out!

And just as I was leaving a Water Rail scampered out of hiding to feed right in front of me, incredible behaviour for this shy, reclusive species. I got one picture before the obligatory dog walker scared it of for me.....thanks for that.....

Until next time,

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