Saturday, 5 June 2010

Swallowtails & Flycatchers

Good day, Birdgarden readers!

A little known place in the heart of Norfolk was my place of hiding today!

Srtumpshaw Fen is an RSPB reserve, and is home to one of the U.K's rarest buttetflies, the Swallowtail.

Their caterpillars only feed on the milkweed plant, and this plant is only found in the Norfolk fenland and the Norfolk Broads.

They are the U.K's largest butterfly, and are wonderous to behold!

On another rare note, Strumpshaw Fen has a returning pair of breeding Spotted Flycatchers. They nest yearly in an old swallow nest box, and are apparently quite tame at times! I had to wait a little while for my photo because the birds are only incubating eggs at the moment, so they don't make too many trips back and forth feeding young.

This species have been in a bit of a decline recently, but these two are certainely a success story!!

Hope you are all making the most of the nice weather, especially the welsh (that means you birdgarden!) readers, who have a Mamoras Warbler in Gwent at the moment!!

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