Just a quickie for you to leave you for the brand new week, as you may have noticed, here in the U.K the weather has been very unforgiving, but there have been days where the sun has come out with people screaming hallelujah! Anyway, incase you have not heard I have acquired a new lens, a fancy, expensive lens by the name of Sony AF 70-400 F4-5.6 G SSM SAL70400G. Woah isn't that a mouthful to say? anyway it performs amazingly well, the focus is so quiet but it is a little heavy, never the less I am young and I can power through it. Dying to take it out for a test I risked Roath Park...on a Sunday afternoon...a hot sunny one, to say there were a lot of people there would be an understatement there were too many to enjoy it. So I went to the forest, and by a stroke of luck a Robin perches on a tree with the sun shining through the branches. This is the result of that.
Ruffled Robin by Geraint Robson
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