About the Site
This site is basically a blog with bits on the side, the objective of the bits on the side is to help people as much as possible in getting the results they want without needing to spend thousands on the equipment. Since being a novice in photography terms the site uses terms most of people will understand along with the grammatical errors.
Mostly aimed at digiscopers this site also accompanies some macro photography and guest bloggers who talk about bird ringing and birding in England where as the main author of this site is located in South Wales. All photos on this website were taken and belong to me unless stated otherwise, if you are going to use them on your own site please credit me or you are breaking copyright laws. tsk tsk.
TheBirdGarden is owner of thebirdgardenblog.com and thebirdgarden youtube channel. Always looking for the best bargains he aims to get the best results from the cheapest of setups as he believes that anyone should be able to take pictures regardless of the money it will cost.
Owner of dannysdigiscoping danny has been a digiscoper for years, upon finding this new hobby he aims to teach others who are interested in digiscoping. Offering lessons and giving the latest equipment reviews danny will sometimes pop up on the blog to post about his daily finds.
Owner of the BigBoxBlogs Cee has a passion for wildlife and an abundant garden full of rare finds, armed with her little canon and an expansive mind she aims to share the wildlfie she has in and around her garden. she will sometimes make herself noticed on this blog when she finds something worth posting.