Hello all,
Luckily for me I was able to get out on 2 birding trips this week!!
On Monday 7th I went to Snape Maltings RSPB. It is a lovely walk, around the outside of a tidal estuary. Plenty of waders were present, getting close to them was the hard part!!
Eventually I managed to get within a few meters of a Black Tailed Godwit. It was busy feeding on the rising tide, but for some reason it wasn't fazed by my presence. After about 50 shots I settled on this one as my fave!!

Then, on Saturday 12th I went out birding with Barry Woodhouse, local birder, digiscoper and Lackford Lakes expert, and my 6 1/2 year old daughter Mia, who is fast learning how to be a good birder. As Barry found out, she has a million questions, all of which Barry answered with the utmost kindness.
As Barry mentioned in the previous post we saw plenty, inspite of the damp start and poor light. My highlight was a Reed Bunting, feeding on the reedheads infront of the main hide at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB. It was right for a photo, even though the angle out of the hide is really awkward there!

And, to finish, for fun! If you are bored on a dull day, try to get decent exposure on a white bird! Its not so easy. The Herring Gulls below took quite a bit a getting right. Give it a go, its a good way to get to know your camera!!
Until next time.....

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