Saturday, 29 May 2010

The Marsh Harrier, East Anglian Raptor

Birds of Prey I hear you say...?!

This is a tiny blog to mention how we nearly lost the Marsh Harrier in the U.K

Numbers dwindled rapidly, and in the 70's we were down to 1 (one) breeding pair at Minsmere RSPB in Suffolk.

Thanks to mass conservation work by the RSPB the bird slowly started to make a recovery, and are now seen soaring over the reedbeds of East Anglia on a more regular basis.

Marsh Harriers are found around the U.K, but their main stronghold is in the fens and marshes of East Anglia. They are also found in Africa and continental Europe.

Never take seeing one of these amazing birds for granted, as it was so nearly the case that we wouldn't be able to see them at all!!

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